Jawatan Kosong Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia
If you are interested in working with Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia, this is the right place. Working in the TUDM isn’t just a job. It’s a way of life – full of excitement, travel, camaraderie and career opportunities. Apply now and discover the fantastic opportunities that the Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia has to offer.
Tarikh temuduga: 7 Ogos -3 Octc 2018
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TUDM Overview
The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) (Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia (TUDM) ); was formed on 2 June 1958 as the Royal Federation of Malaya Air Force (Tentera Udara Diraja Persekutuan). However, its roots can be traced back to the Malayan Auxiliary Air Force formations of the British Royal Air Force in then colonial British Malaya. Today, the Royal Malaysian Air Force operates a unique mix of modern US, European and Russian-made aircraft.