Jawatan Kosong at Lembaga Lada Malaysia
If you are interested in diversity, challenges, and opportunities, the Lembaga Lada Malaysia invites you to apply to become a part of our professional organization. We have many employment opportunities, and we invite you to look into the Lembaga Lada Malaysia for your future. .
1. Akauntan WA47/48
2. Pegawai Penyelidik Q41
3. Penolong Pegawai Ehwal Ekonomi E29
4. Pembantu Ehwal Ekonomi E19
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MPB Overview
Closing on 7 Ogos 2023
Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) or called Lembaga Lada Malaysia is a federal government agency under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) and was established under the Malaysian Pepper Board Act (Act 656) on 1 January 2007.
Career in Lembaga Lada Malaysia