Career in Institut Perakaunan Negara

Institut Perakaunan Negara

Jobs at Institut Perakaunan Negara

Your application is really important to us. Inreturn we can offer you a future in a forward-thinking organisation which values and develops its employees and is committed to outstanding performance.Join and apply the vacancy at Institut Perakaunan Negara.

i) Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat Gred FA29 – 1 Jawatan
ii) Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) Gred N19 – 3 Jawatan
iii) Pemandu Kenderaan Gred H11 – 1 Jawatan

Kindly click here to see the complete advertisement.
Closing on : 6 Mei 2020

IPN Overview

Institut Perakaunan Negara is a division under the Department of Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia established to build and enhance the competence of civil servants, particularly in the fields of accounting and finance.

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Career in Institut Perakaunan Negara